Had Bilstein shocks on for not even a month and we changed to the 2.5s and couldn’t be happier.
Added in Dual Rate Spring Rear Coil Kit to my loaded up PowerWagon (4wd camper, Thuren Track Bars, BigWig Hellwig Sway Bar, Carli Ball joints, Synergy drag/tie rods, Ride Rite Air Bags, White Knuckle Sliders, Method/KM3, Air, etc). Rate and feel of spring compression is definitely improved over stock. Matched with the Thuren tuned Fox 2.5 DSC shocksF/R. Great Combo. Back end feels softer and is no longer bottoming out hard on square edges at low/modest speed.. About @1300-1400 # in rear sprung weight with camper, h20, gear. Added in Two of the HSK Spacers. With 30 psi in air bags: 27 inch center of hub to fender in front and 29 inch in rear. Moved Big Wig setting out to the 'soft' rear position. Drives well. Sits well.
Great shock and service
Excellent product. Great ride characteristics
I have had a chance to run these both on the road and off. The adjustability is amazing. These along with the other Thuren updates added to my Power Wagon have completely changed it for the better that's for sure. It's a completely different animal as promised. Damn!! Super smooth on the road, corners way better and handles the small and large off-road chop with ease. It begs to go faster. While I haven't and don't intend on jumping the truck, I have a feeling it would not complain one bit.