2003-2012 Dodge Ram 3500 Active Rate Sway Bar
Regular price $600.00 16 reviews
Our Swaybar is a softer rate than the stock unit, allowing the axle to move more independently side to side. This smooths out off camber bumps, pot holes, and even simply turning into a drive way.
- Uses no solid joints like Heim joints or solid bushings. In this application, Heims can become noisy very early in the life-cycle, with the Swaybar moving so much.
- 6 grease Zerk fittings used throughout the assembly.
- Same proven JKS Poly orbital joints as used on our other Swaybar Links.
- Not recommended if you have a much higher center of gravity. For example, a slide in camper, or a heavy Roof Top Tent(RTT) equipped Overlanding build.
- Our Active Rate Sway Bar functions great with heavy Gooseneck and 5th wheel towing, heavy weight in the bed below the top rail, or heavy weight on the bumper receiver hitch.
- May interfere with some steering box braces, check your brace to make sure a straight bar will clear.
- Sway bar (x1)
- Frame mounts (x2)
- End links (x2)
- Applicable Mounting Hardware
Product Installation Instructions